We are happy that we could actively participate in the Open Doors Day at our faculty this year and present current topics in the microbiological and virological research that we have been engaged in our department. This event was organized by the faculty and its goal was to bring the science closer to students who are facing an important life decision – what direction will they take after their graduation? A scientist? A laboratory diagnostician? A microbiologist of regional enterprises? A specialist for the vaccine production department? Manager in a distribution company dealing with supplies for research laboratories? You can do all this and much more as a graduate of our department.
We firmly believe that we have managed to answer all the questions to potential future students in an attractive way. If you want to read more about the study or, if you were not able to attend the Day, see the following presentation we have prepared for you.
Thank you for your participation in today’s event, and we wish you much success during your current and future studies.
Our Team